Call any country in the world without roaming charges.

A data coverage extended to 170+ countries worldwide.

Special flat rates in 88 countries out of the 170+ covered.

Download the BNESIM app to check out our coverage, and save up to 95% with our voice and data plans.



   No contracts. No commitments.

   No roaming costs worldwide.

   No allowance expiration.

   No filtered Internet.

   Nobody can spy on your Internet activities.

   Try it, then customize your SIM card.

world travel awards

BNESIM is the World Travel Awards winner of

“World’s Leading Travel Communication Provider”

Recent reviews

  • review rating 5  I’ve lived here for 4 years and it’s been tough to connect with my 11 year old daughter back in the UK. Unreliable VPNs meant I’m struggling to get a stable call and see her on WhatsApp or FaceTime. However, since subscribing to BNE that’s changed a lot. She calls me over WhatsApp all the time now. And today, thanks to your router, we were able to use the Portal TV and chat over WhatsApp with a totally stable connection. While what you guys do is tech, the difference this makes to peoples lives is really significant. My daughter and I enjoy better more frequent conversations which makes all the difference. To you and your team, I really thank you and want you to know how great this has been. Im totally behind BNE and all that you do.

    thumb James Doyle
  • review rating 5  BNESIM sim card has always workt well for me when im traveling in Asia (Taiwan Singapore, Hong Kong, Macao, Japan Thailand, Malaysia) and North America (USA, Canada). And the price for the data usage i good.

    thumb Ramzi El-Asri
  • review rating 5  BNESIM is the best SIM to be used in europe. Customer support is responsive and revert with solution. I would recommend to opt for this SIM while travelling out of India. Thank you

    thumb Janu Jagtiani
  • review rating 5  I do a lot more travel than the average traveler covering a large part of the globe. BNESim has been invaluable for me while travelling. Coverage is very good, service is excellent. Never any problems in over a year of use. Tx

    thumb Nathan Watson
  • review rating 5  I'm giving them this review because I've been their customer for a few months and until now I am a satisfied customer. I'm flying to South Korea for a few weeks and will try their Surf Asia Unlimited product. So far I am really happy in using BNESIM especially during my international trips.

    thumb Emelica Sabran
  • review rating 5  I'm giving them this review because I've been their customer for a few months and until now I am a satisfied customer. I'm flying to South Korea for a few weeks and will try their Surf Asia Unlimited product. So far I am really happy in using BNESIM especially during my international trips.

    thumb Emelica Sabran
  • review rating 5  I used a bnesim but because a problem happened and I inquired of the service team. The fast treatment of after service team could use a sim thanks to this normally.

    thumb 김영식
  • review rating 5  A very dependabe sim card when you travel. Tried it for the first time in Europe, and now using it in Asia. Really happy with it. With the Bnesim App, your well taken cared of.

    thumb Jose G
  • review rating 5  Great, fast Customer Service. Friendly and helpful. Card arrived exactly in time, all three sizes and ready to go! Topups are a great feature. Would buy again.

    thumb Valentin Pletnev
  • review rating 5  Great, fast Customer Service. Friendly and helpful. Card arrived exactly in time, all three sizes and ready to go! Topups are a great feature. Would buy again.

    thumb Valentin Pletnev

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Is it true that my SIM and my voice and data allowances never expire?

Yep! Get your SIM, enjoy your global data, and if there are any credits left at the end of your trip, use it the next time you travel. We used to require a top-up every six months in order to keep your account active, but that’s no longer needed.

BNESIM really doesn't do contracts?

No contracts at all! Just get your SIM and choose the plan that better suits your travel needs. You can cancel it or change it at any time. No commitments.

Will my SIM work in countries where Internet access is filtered?

Yes, it will! And you will be able to use all of your favorite apps, to WhatsApp your friends and even use dating apps. It’s time to update your profile picture on Tinder! 🙂

Got more questions?

Find your answers on our FAQs page or contact us.
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